Farmer-Retailer-SWCD Partnerships Vital to H2Ohio 

With over 22,000 acres of Ashland County cropland enrolled in the state’s H2Ohio program, a strong working partnership between those farmers, their retailers and the local soil and water conservation district (SWCD) are vital to successful implementation of those nutrient management plans.

That’s why Ashland SWCD is partnering with Lorain and Richland SWCDs to host a Conservation Chat focusing on those partnerships with an emphasis on the retailer contribution to implementing H2Ohio’s nutrient management plans. The Retailer Round Up Conservation Chat will take place on March 6 at 11 am at Richmart Farm and will include

“H2Ohio is a new program to the rest of the state outside of the Western Lake Erie Basin,” said Jane Houin, Ashland SWCD director. “Ag retailers have been working hand-in-hand with government and farmers in those areas for over a decade to implement programs on nutrient management, and the retailers know and understand what is needed when it comes to nutrient management. For many of our retailers, this process and the expectations that come with it are all new, so we want to provide an opportunity for them to learn more about the program, what information farmers are going to need from their retailer, and incentives that are available to them for providing that information and filling that role.”

Kip Studer and Paige Scott from the Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) will be two of the featured speakers at the program. As part of ODA’s H2Ohio leadership team, they will cover technical assistance cost share opportunities for retailers within the H2Ohio program as well an overview of the MyFarms platform and the data that will be required from producers as they implement their nutrient management plans.

Aaron Heilers from the Ohio Ag Business Association will talk about the association’s 4R nutrient stewardship program, which focuses on applying the right amounts of the right nutrients to the right places at the right times to meet crop needs while also protecting local water quality. While the 4R program has been a staple for retailers in the Western Lake Erie Basin for years, many retailers outside of that watershed are unfamiliar with the program. Heilers will share benefits for retailers to participate in the program and also answer questions from the retailers.

One of the highlights of the program will be a retailer panel, where local retail partners who worked hand-in-hand with local producers to develop their nutrient management plans for the first phase of the H2Ohio program will talk about their experiences with the program and how they work with producers to meet their needs.

Ag retailers and certified crop advisors can attend the program for free; all other attendees must pay a $5 registration fee at the door. The event will include lunch.

For more information or to RSVP, contact Ashland SWCDa at 419-281-7645 or by email at Registrations can also be made online at

Ashland SWCD