Put Your Livestock Mud Management Battle Plan in Action
Livestock producers know the pains of dealing with mud. Whether it’s seasonal rainfall or melting snow, wet weather and livestock can create a messy situation.
That’s why Ashland Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is inviting area livestock producers to join them for a Conservation Chat on Mud Management February 11 at Pleasant Hill Visitor Center.
“Our goal is to provide our county’s livestock producers information on their options when it comes to managing mud on the farm,” said Jane Houin, Ashland SWCD director. “Not only can mud make it miserable for the farmers and the livestock to deal with, but it also reduces productivity and profitability for the farm and can create conservation challenges on the farm. We want to connect our farmers with the resources they need to help prevent mud from becoming a problem on the farm, and now, before the spring rains hit, is a great time to talk about it.”
The good news is there are conservation practices and strategies to help minimize the impact of mud on the farm. Cost share opportunities are available for livestock stream exclusion fencing, access roads, heavy use pads, stream crossings and spring development are available for producers in our area.
The event will take place at 11 am on February 11 at the Pleasant Hill Visitor Center. Registration is just $5 per person or free for you and a friend when you register together. Lunch is included in the registration.
One of the highlights of the program will be the chance to hear from Jason Workman of Twin Oaks Farm, one of the five farm families recognized as a a 2024 Conservation Farm Family award winner. The Workman family has worked closely with both NRCS and Ashland SWCD to implement numerous conservation practices to help improve their livestock grazing operation. Workman will share his experiences and the difference he’s see on their operation.
Josh Britton, NRCS District Conservationist with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will talk about some of the different practices and programs available through NRCS that can help producers address conservation resource concerns for livestock producers. He will talk about examples of how practices can help on the farm and the process of applying for and receiving cost share through NRCS.
Ashland SWCD Watershed Assistant Joe Christner will also talk about the updated cost-share opportunities for livestock stream exclusion fencing cost share available in partnership with the Muskingum Watershed Conservancy District and Ashland SWCD. This program can provide up to 100 percent cost share for fencing to exclude livestock from streams, develop off-stream watering sources, and stream crossing practices.
SWCD staff will also discuss potential upcoming funding opportunities that producers can be thinking about for future implementation,
For more information or to RSVP, contact Ashland SWCDa at 419-281-7645 or by email at ashlandswcd@ashlandcounty.org. Registrations can also be made online at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/conservation-chat-h2ohio-at-work-tickets-1065576069709?aff=oddtdtcreator