No matter what you passion is, Ashland SWCD has a place for you

Are you looking for a way to give back to the community? Then Ashland SWCD have just what you’re looking for. Ashland SWCD is a political subdivision of the state of Ohio, and our mission is to conserve and protect the county’s soil and water resources through exceptional education and implementation of both traditional and non-traditional programs to enhance soil health and water quality.

So what does that mean to you? As we work to accomplish those goals our Ashland SWCD board has set five priorities for our district programming:

      • To address water quality impairments while protecting and preserving high-quality water resources

      • To ensure sustainable stormwater management practices and programs

      • To encourage the implementation of best management practices for manure

      • To respond efficiently to emergent ag pollution complains

      • To enhance agricultural productivity and soil health in Ashland CountyTo deliver exceptional educational outreach on conservation issues

All of the projects and programs we implement can be tied back to those specific goals. But the reality is, we have a limited staff of three full-time employees and there is literally no end to the work we could be doing to conserve and protect our resources.

That’s why we need you! Ashland SWCD a variety of volunteer opportunities available, and we need your help to help us achieve our mission of protecting the soil and water resources of Ashland County. 

      • Do you like organization and working in an office environment? We’re looking for office work volunteers to help organize our conservation files and complete mailings promoting our conservation programs. From going through and scanning old photographs to helping organize our files, there’s always work to be done. And for those of you who love a label maker, is there ever really such a thing as too much organization?

      • Maybe working outdoors is more your thing. We’re looking for volunteers to help with cutting firewood, general maintenance, and clearing trails at the Hazel Willis Woods. This beautiful 40-acre woods is an outdoor learning laboratory near Mifflin. Our staff and volunteers are working hard to restore the functionality of this wooded learning center, and we welcome creative project and programming ideas and hard-working hands. Maybe you’d like to lead a seasonal bird walk or you enjoy helping to identify trees. There’s plenty of work to be done at the woods!

      • Not confident in your knowledge of what needs done in the woods? Plan on joining our Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist program this summer to learn more about the wonders and science of nature and determine what your service passion is. Maybe you’ll come up with your own new and novel ideas for ways we could use the Hazel Willis Woods to inspire conservation!

      • Love working with children? This year we’re looking at some new educational opportunities and can use help instilling a love of nature in the next generation. Ashland SWCD offers both in-school programs for all ages as well as special event programming. And of course, extra hands are always welcome when it comes to distributing trees (and knowledge!) With our Arbor Day programs for second graders.

      • Do your family and friends say you’re “all wet?” Have volunteer positions available to help with our spring and fall water quality testing collection projects. Put on your waders and join us.

      • Are you more of a homebody? We’re looking to expand our base of precipitation monitors and ice spotters around the county. Precipitation monitors take daily precipitation readings at their home and submit the information online. That data is used to help make weather decisions and predictions for our area.

      • Maybe you’re looking for opportunities that only come up a couple of times a year. We always need help with our tree sale packing and fish sale pick up in the spring and fall.

      • Do you have artistic talents you love to share? We would love to find volunteer photographers and rain barrel artists for our 4th annual Rain Beat on Main Street event.

With so many opportunities, what’s holding you back? Contact our Ashland SWCD Outreach Specialist Lynnsey Winchell at 419-281-7645 for a volunteer application and more information on our volunteer opportunities. 

Ashland SWCD