Ashland SWCD Board Sets 2022 Meeting Dates, Renews Focus

With a renewed focus on conservation education and outreach, the Ashland Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) has set their 2022 meeting dates and planned numerous special events as the board and staff look forward to the new year.

“Our board and staff worked hard to update our strategic plan and focus going into 2022, and we’re excited to put plans in place to make those goals a reality,” said Jane Houin, Ashland SWCD program director. “We’re going to be working to protect, preserve and restore our water resources in Ashland County, including ensuring sustainable stormwater management, implementing best management practices for manure, and addressing any pollution issues that may arise. Other focus areas for the coming year include enhancing agricultural productivity and soil health and conducting educational outreach programming.”

One of the ways the district plans to meet those goals is through a series of monthly in-person Conservation Chats. The first of those events (Show Me the Money!) will take place January 25 and will focus on maximizing fertilizer return on investment in light of skyrocketing input prices. Registration for this event is free and includes lunch at the SWCD office.

Their February Conservation Chat: Swipe Right for Conservation will take place February 26 in conjunction with Ashland Farm Bureau’s annual breakfast and will provide an overview of the district’s programs and cost-share opportunities, including precision conservation, cover crops, and log jam removal.

On March 16, the district will host a Soil Health Checkup Conservation Chat to help producers evaluate soil health, carbon credit trading opportunities, and equipment rental opportunities to help with soil health.

Other upcoming topics for summer include Water We Gonna Do focusing on precipitation monitor training, ice spotter training opportunities and floodplain awareness in April, Wetland Wonders covering wetland establishment and log jam removal projects in May, Rain Rain Come Our Way in June with a hands-on rain garden work day and establishment event, and Rain Barrel Basics and Beyond in July.

Other annual favorite events for the year include the district’s Rain Beat on Main Street event that will be moving from August to June and July and will include a display during Balloonfest in addition to Central Park in Loudonville and Corner Park in Ashland. And the district’s annual meeting will take place August 17.

The district will also be partnering with The Wilderness Center in 2022 to host educational outreach programs at the Hazel Willis Woods as well. The first of those programs will be a seasonal Nature Journaling program that will meet February 19, April 16, June 11, September 10, November 12 and December 10.

Additionally, the Wilderness Center and Ashland SWCD will be hosting an Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist program at the Hazel Willis Woods. Programming will take place July 7, 9, 16-17, 23-24 and 30.

And finally, Ashland SWCD has set their 2022 board meeting dates; all meetings will take place at 9 a.m. at the Ashland SWCD office with the exception of the August meeting, which will take place immediately following the district’s annual meeting. Dates are January 12, February 9, March 9, April 13, May 11, June 18, July 13, August 17, September 14, October 12, November 9 and December 14.

For more information on these upcoming events, contact Ashland SWCD at 419-281-7645 or visit their website at

Ashland SWCD