Take advantage of our TREE-mendous tree sale!

Ashland Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) tree sale is in full swing. This year we are excited to say, the variety of tree has expanded and new packages of trees/bushes are being offered. 

Conifers this year include Bald Cyprus, Colorado Bule Spruce and Norway Spruce. Have a wet area that is a problem? We have you covered! The wetland pack offers 10 trees with 5 different species. Trees absorb large amounts of water and within this pack we have selected varieties that thrive in moist soils, near water as well as adding beauty to add to the landscape. 

Looking to be able to walk out the back door and pick some fresh fruit? No worries, we have a pack for that as well. Blackberry, raspberry, blueberry, elderberry and an apple tree are all included the “Edible Pack” this year. Of course, within the sale this year we have broadleaf that are always a staple within the sale. 

Once again, this year we have multiple ways to place an order. Online at www.ashlandswcd.com where the tree order form can be downloaded or an online order can be placed. Mailing or delivering the order to our office, which is located at 1763 State Route 60 Ashland is an option as well. Orders will be accepted through March 11 with pick up being April 15th & 16th. 

If you’re asking yourself, why should I participate in a local tree sale, or why should I bother planting just a couple trees? Trees have a major impact on the environment that we cannot see immediately. Trees help prevent soil erosion, eliminate rainwater runoff and they absorb much more than just carbon dioxide. According to the Arbor Day Foundation trees can also help increase home values by 15%. Remember, when just one tree is planted, it shows a symbol of your commitment to the environment for many generations to come. 

Ashland SWCD