Rain, rain, come our way!

That’s right, rain - bring it on! We’re ready for you! If there’s one thing May has taught us so far this year, it’s that rain is not just for April. This month is already off to a rainy start, and that’s ok, because to be honest we’ve needed the rain.

2021 has started off with a pretty darn dry spring, giving farmers some early windows to get in the fields. But now that those spring rains have finally shown up and everything is greening up and growing. But despite the recent rains, long term weather forecasts for the summer are calling for drier than normal conditions, which means it might be a perfect time to start thinking about how to harvest and use those rain showers we do get.

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That’s why Ashland Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is hosting a series of three Rain Barrel Workshops on June 19 at Honey Haven Farm, just outside of Ashland. The workshops will take place at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 2 p.m., with a $65 registration fee.  

The registration includes everything you need to make and install your own rain barrel at home: a barrel, a kit you will be installing in the barrel, and a filter for the top of your barrel along with some hands-on instruction and lots of laughs while you make-and-take your own rain barrel.

But you may be wondering, do I really even need a rain barrel? Rain barrels are designed to capture and collect rainwater from your roof and store if for you to use later. 

It’s no secret that Ohio’s rainfall events are becoming more unpredictable, with longer stretches of drought peppered with more frequent, higher intensity rain events when the rains do come. During those higher intensity storms, the rain falls faster than it can be absorbed into the soil, creating runoff that travels across the surfaces of lawns, farm fields, roads and driveways.

As the stormwater runs across those surfaces, that initially clean rain water can pick up pollutants, like sediment, auto fluids, doggy doo, fertilizer, manure and more, carrying those now polluted waters into our streams, rivers and storm drains. Not only are those waters now polluted, but the higher water volume from the heavier rains can result in localized flooding, faster waters, and more stream bank erosion. Any drive through Ashland County will show you that stream bank erosion is becoming a significant concern.

That’s where rain barrels can help. By collecting some of this excess stormwater, you’re reducing the amount of surface water runoff, resulting in cleaner water and less stormwater discharge. Plus, you can money by using your harvested water to water your plants. It’s estimated that lawn and garden watering make up nearly 40 percent of total household water use during the summer, so think about those savings on your water bill!

The vast majority of rain barrel owners - about 80 percent - use their barrels to water their lawns and gardens. It’s important to note, however, that rain barrel water is considered non-potable; in other words, it’s not considered safe for drinking.

A 1-inch rain storm can produce more than 700 gallons of stormwater from a typical roof, so you might even want to consider installing multiple rain barrels at your home. Rain barrels can be connected in a series to fill multiple rain barrels in a sequence. If you’re not ready to install multiple barrels, be sure to use an overflow device to push excess water back into your gutter system or away from your house.

It’s estimated that installing a rain barrel saved the average homeowner about 1,300 gallons of water during the peak summer months. So are you ready to take the rain barrel plunge? Then sign up for one of our June 19 workshops by calling Katie Eikleberry at 419-281-7645 or purchase your ticket online at www.eventbrite.com/e/rain-garden-workshop-tickets-148518726509

Ashland SWCD now sells Rain Barrel Kits!-2.png

Want to install your own rain barrel, but June 19 doesn’t work for you? Ashland SWCD sells rain barrel kits with or without barrels included year-round at www.ashlandswcd.com. Kits with barrels are available for $50, and kits without barrels are available for $35.

And don’t forget to be on the look out for the beautiful, hand-painted rain barrels in our second annual Rain Beat on Main Street event coming this August to both Loudonville and Ashland!

Ashland SWCD