May 19 Conservation Chat to focus on Pollinator Points

The simple truth is that we can’t live without them. More than 150 food crops in the United States depend on pollinators, including almost all fruit and grain crops. In fact, the United States Department of Agriculture estimates that crops dependent on pollination are worth more than $10 billion per year.

That’s why Ashland Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is hosting the second of it’s new Conservation Chats field day event on Pollinator Points. The event will take place May 19 at the Heath White farm near Greenwich.

“Pollinators are the hidden heroes in our food supply system,” said Jane Houin, Ashland SWCD program administrator. “Pollination helps improve soil and water quality by using flowering plants to help filter water and reduce erosion. Those pollinator-friendly plants can serve as important buffers and play a key role in the water cycle. And, perhaps most importantly to us as humans, one in every four bites of food we eat comes to us as a direct result of the work of pollinators.”

The Pollinator Points field day will feature a tour of Greenwich farmer Heath White’s on-farm pollinator practices through a walking tour of his pollinator practices. White will share what has worked well on his operation as well as some challenges he’s faced in implementing pollinator practices.

“Heath has invested a lot of time and energy into installing some really great pollinator practices, and it’s going to be a great experience to have him share those practices with us through a walking tour,” said Erica White, Ashland SWCD technician and Jerome Fork watershed coordinator. “Not only are participants going to have a chance to learn more about these practices by seeing them up-close-and-personal, but we’ll also have information available on different cost share opportunities to install similar practices in your own home or landscape.”

Lara Roketenetz, Ohio’s Project Wingspan Coordinator, will also be covering bee-friendly farming practices and opportunities available through Project Wingspan. Project Wingspan is a three-year, landscape-scale project designed to increase habitat for monarch butterflies and rusty patched bumble bees. Their goal is to secure over 15,000 acres of high-quality habitat for these important pollinators throughout a nine-state garget region that includes Ohio.

“This is a great opportunity to learn more about pollinator-friendly plants, the bonus benefits they provide other wildlife, and get some great ideas for folks to install their own pollinator plantings and practices whether they live on a farm or in a residential neighborhood.”

The Conservation Chat: Pollinator Points event is free, and includes dinner, but pre-registration is required. Attendees can register by calling the Ashland SWCD office at 419-281-7645 or by visiting

The event will take place at the Heath White Farm at 1433 US 224, Greenwich and will begin promptly at 6 p.m. For more information, contact Ashland SWCD at 419-281-7645 or visit

Ashland SWCD